PSY240H1 Lecture : Lecture 1 Notes
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What is normal in one culture may be completely abnormal in another culture. Things that catch you off guard as unexpected issue of context. Study shows how detrimental it is to label abnormal behaviour when not actually doing an assessment context of assessments also is important. Western culture transvestites: advantages gives a place to draw the line, disadvantages, discomfort, subjectively perceived feelings of distress and difficulty coping with life"s demands are signs of abnormality depression, anxiety www. notesolution. com. Abnormal psychology: behavioural, emotional, or cognitive dysfunctions, unexpected in cultural context, associated with personal distress and/or substantial impairment in functioning, this definition is adopted by most diagnostic systems (e. g. , Video (on men who identify with women and are considered female but not gay) discussion (cultural example) Facebook example - abnormal behaviour even though it"s relatively common - I t depends where you draw the line.