PSY240H1 Lecture 3: Lecture 3 Notes

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28 Jan 2011
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PSY240H1 Full Course Notes
PSY240H1 Full Course Notes
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should be combined with some form of psychological. d rug therapies antipsychotic: chlorpromazine people were able to get released back into the community and function despite having some psychotic symptoms. Antidepressant"s tricyclic a lot of dietary restrictions, ssri"s. Medications have different mechanisms of action some increase serotonin, some block receptors so serotonin can"t bind to receptors all try to increase serotonin. Antianxiety, mood stabilizer lithium, people with bipolar take to even out mood: drug therapies are convenient, inexpensive in comparison with therapy. electroconvulsive therapy passing electrical current through the head, which t riggers seizers some biochemical changes follow. This tends to have some positive impact on mood but unknown reasons why. Intensity, duration, etc. , have changed over the last few years. Some possible side effects include headaches, memory distortion, etc. , psychosurgery actual change made to the brain by removing a part of the brain or adding a connection.

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