PSY240H1 Lecture 6: Lecture 6 - Eating Disorders
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64% of american adults are overweight (bmi>25) or obese (bmi>30) 25% of american children are overweight or obese. The prevalence has doubled over the past 2 decades, a bit higher in boys (5-15%) than in girls (5-13%), morbid obesity at high especially increase. Increase in availability of inexpensive high-fat processed foods, sedentary behaviour, office jobs without physical activity. Cv disease, type i i diabetes expensive to treat, high blood pressure, high cholesterol) costs the us billion annually and causes 300,000 deaths annually a mental disorder, although it can be the result of an eating disorder. parallel increase in prevalence of dysfunctional eating practices, including eating disorders and unhealthy weight loss crash diets, yo-yo diets. In past wasn"t associated with body image symbol of strength, protest, spiritual cleansing. more prevalent in westernized cultures simultaneously promotes the thin ideal and excessive consumption, hard to navigate.