PSY270H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Thought Suppression, Kai Krause, Functional Fixedness
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Consciousness tends to be organized into a coherent whole. Gestault switch when pic switches from one config to another: can happen in mental modeling based on verbal material. Swimming under a bridge came two ducks in front of two ducks, two ducks behind two ducks and two ducks in the middle how many ducks were there at all: 4 ducks, duck duck duck duck. Insight problems a problem that requires a restructuring of the way in which it is represented before it can be solved. Participants solving algebra problems almost linear, gradually increased. Insight problem ex: coin w 544bc, why is this wrong: these dates were given now, not back then. Ppl who got q wrong: still had an aha moment increase in warmth ratings. Suggest the aha moment, perception of insight, suggests more to do w restructuring to solve the problem: feeling of insight comes when you"ve restructured the problem.