PSY270H1 Lecture 1: L1
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PSY270H1 Full Course Notes
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40% from lecture 50% application, 10%fg kind of tricky. Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of the mind. In some ways, cognitive psychology is a refined form of folk psychology. E. g. don"t go grocery shopping while you"re hungry. We"ll be talking a lot about data and experiments. The reason we look at graphs and experiments is because experiments not only inform our theories (or concepts), but theories inform our experiments. This study shows that when people use visual imagery, it holds the same properties and ratios as in real life. The time it would take you to walk through your house and count all your windows is correlated with how long it takes you to do it in your mind. For example, if someone"s house is twice as large as another"s, it"ll take them twice as long to count in their head. Plato was a nativist and believed that reality resided in representations.