PSY270H1 Lecture : Notes for Lecture on Cognitive Neuroscience
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Nervous system controls our mental life , cognitive theories should be neurally plausible to be useful. Certain activities may increase dendrite growth, increase connections. 20-25% of oxygen in body is used by brain! You gotta transform energy from outside around us certain internal signals/messages. Chemicals that affect the electrical signal of the receiving neuron: excitatory: increases chance that neuron will fire, norepinephrine: adrenal gland in hormone system blood & she had a horse who was very anxious: endorphins / endogenous morphine: body"s natural pain-killer, dopamine: pleasure, parkinson"s, schizophrenia inhibitory: decreases chance neuron will fire, gaba. Dopamine crosses the gap binds to receptors on postsynaptic cleft, new electrical impulse is generated, message continues on. Extras go back to www. notesolution. com presynaptic axon terminal & are sucked up by reuptake pump. Dopam i ne & co-cai i i n e. Blocks dopamine reuptake pumps accumulates in synapse intense pleasure. Adaptation reducing the amt of dopamine produced.