PSY280H1 Lecture 6: Attention and Space Perception (Oct. 12, 2017)
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Attention in time, in space, in the brain. Disorders of attention: space perception pathways. Scene memory and context, and in brain. Midterm next week: this class: chapter 7. Includes lectures 1-6 --> nothing from the textbook. Attention: any of a very large set of selective processes in the brain that can. Make us more or less sensitive to stimulation. Exist in every modality --> vision, tactile, auditory, olfactory. To exist with impossibility of handling all inputs at once, ns evolved mechanism to restrict processing to a subset of things, places, ideas, moments in time. Selective: processing restricted to a subset of possible stimuli. As opposed to being alert or attentive --> this is not our focus. Such as being at the airport and you"re waiting for someone - sustain attn to door. Many athletes are good at this when there are many variables. Internal: attending to one line of thought over another or selecting one response over another.