PSY311H1 Lecture 5: Lecture 5-What are Emotional Attachments Sept 26

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16 Aug 2010
PSY311: Lecture #5
sept, 26th, 2008
Chapter 5
What are Emotional Attachments?
- Attachment
o Strong affectionate ties that we feel for special ppl in our lives
- Neonate
o A newborn infant from birth to one month of age
- Emotionally bonded
o Strong affectional ties that parents feel toward a neonate; strongest bonding occurs
shortly after birth during sensitive period
- Synchronized routines
o Generally harmonious interactions b/w two persons in which participants adjust their
behaviour in response to the partner¶VDFWLRQVDQGHPRWLRQV
How do Infants Become Attached?
- Asocial phase (0-6 weeks)
o Infant responds favourably to social and non-social stimuli
- Phase of indiscriminate attachments (6weeks-7month)
o Clearly enjoy human interaction but are indiscriminate against who it is
- Phase of specific attachments (7 month-9 month)
o When infants are attached to one close companion
o Secure base
Mother or close companion act as base from which to explore the environment
and return to for emotional support
- Phase of multiple attachments (9month +)
o When infants form multiple attachments other than their primary attachment object
Learning Theory
- Secondary reinforce
o A initially neutral stimulus that acquires reinforcement value by virtue of its repeated
association with other reinforcing stimuli
Ehological Theory
- Imprinting
o Innate form of learning in which the young of certain species will follow and become
attached to moving objects
o Preadapted characteristic
Innate attribute that is the product of evolution and serve some function that
increased the chances of survival for the individual and species
Assessing Attachment Security
- Strange situation
o Series of 8 separation and reunion episodes to which infants are exposed in order to
determine the quality of their attachments
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Document Summary

Attachment: strong affectionate ties that we feel for special ppl in our lives. Emotionally bonded: a newborn infant from birth to one month of age, strong affectional ties that parents feel toward a neonate; strongest bonding occurs shortly after birth during sensitive period. Synchronized routines: generally harmonious interactions b/w two persons in which participants adjust their behaviour in response to the partner8,. 9438,3/0249438. Asocial phase (0-6 weeks: infant responds favourably to social and non-social stimuli. Phase of indiscriminate attachments (6weeks-7month: clearly enjoy human interaction but are indiscriminate against who it is. Phase of specific attachments (7 month-9 month: when infants are attached to one close companion, secure base. S mother or close companion act as base from which to explore the environment. Phase of multiple attachments (9month +) and return to for emotional support: when infants form multiple attachments other than their primary attachment object.

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