PSY320H1 Lecture : Lecture on Attitude Theories and Models
Document Summary
: difference btw attitude in sample and attitude in population (larger the sample, Sampling error smaller the sampling error; does not decrease linearly (by less and less; diminishing return) : large samples do not guarantee accuracy: population size, example of literary digest fiasco. : us presidential election"s poll -> failed: sample was not representative b/c phone books and car registration in 1936 were mostly rich republican (underestimated democratic votes) (gallup"s sampling procedure was more perfect random sample) : every person in the population gets the same chance to be selected. Stratified random sampling so that the other half is completely removed from the beginning) : results are quite accurate, lots of relationships btw variables compared to experiments. : not as good as simple random (randomly select half the population first. = just out of high school = same as average population; perhaps going to university makes you less prejudiced and biased.