PSY370H1 Lecture 9: LEC9 – Pragmatic Reasoning Schema and Cheater Detection Nov 5 2009?

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16 Aug 2010
PSY370: Thinking and Reasoning
LEC9 Pragmatic Reasoning Schema and Cheater Detection
Nov, 5th, 2009
Review: Dual Processing Level
! propositional / sequential / computational
! pattern based / procedural / parallel processing
Kershaw & Ohlssan 2004
! challenge implicit assumption in W&A: there is a single difficulty that once overcome will lead
to insight problem solving
! alternative: multiple reinforcing constraints
! if this is the case you need to have pattern based / PDP
! attacking a problem that is mutually reinforcing sequentially, will lead to the system
reconstructing itself and resisting. Hence we need to use PDP, and use pattern recognition
abilities more.
! Insight may be procedural in nature because they are multiple reinforcing constraints in
them, similar to how we need to solve a procedural problem
! complex skills are what we need when we have insight problems -> procedural in nature
! single difficulty stems from theoretical confusion
! there is often a single key action to solve the insight problem
! key: salient and necessary to solving the problem
! ie. 9 box: key = go outside the box
! the fact that there is a single key action to solve the insight problem does not mean there is a
single difficulty
! there may be multiple mutual difficulty
! similar to confusion of necessity and sufficiency
! 3 kinds of factors
1. perceptual factors (pattern factors)
figural integrity
Gestalt laws
relevant and salience patterns
cognition and perception is oriented to patterning information
! Processing Factors (formulation factors)
Search space factors
mental look ahead
! Knowledge factors (Transfer factors)
poor or inappropriate transferring
! all 3 factors are all mutually reinforcing
! ex. 9 dot problem
have to pattern the figure (break the figure of the square, alter background and
foreground relationship)
have to formulate what to do outside the 9 dots, search space is very large in the “going
outside the 9 dots” hint
transfer issues -> break with past experiences where connecting dots leads closed figure
! key is to attack all 3 factors together in a coordinated manner, the harder problems are the
problems in which more constraints are imposed mutually from the 3 factors
! K&O
! ran experiment involved in procedurally training difficulty on all 3 factors
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Document Summary

Lec9 pragmatic reasoning schema and cheater detection. pattern based / procedural / parallel processing. challenge implicit assumption in w&a: there is a single difficulty that once overcome will lead to insight problem solving. alternative: multiple reinforcing constraints if this is the case you need to have pattern based / pdp. attacking a problem that is mutually reinforcing sequentially, will lead to the system reconstructing itself and resisting. Hence we need to use pdp, and use pattern recognition abilities more. insight may be procedural in nature because they are multiple reinforcing constraints in them, similar to how we need to solve a procedural problem. complex skills are what we need when we have insight problems -> procedural in nature. single difficulty stems from theoretical confusion there is often a single key action to solve the insight problem. similar to confusion of necessity and sufficiency.

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