PSY424H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Attachment Theory, Attachment In Adults, Evolutionary Pressure
Document Summary
There is something true about your suffering and you must find what it is. You the only thing that matters. cary tennis must find the pattern that is true about you, the pattern of your being, the things that you crave and cannot get. That is the pattern that will drive you to keep doing things that make you unhappy. That pattern is what you need to confront. It is your strength if you face it. It is your weakness if you run from it. It is your footprint, your mark, your signature. It is what you are and cannot escape. Well, i guess that mom or dad is not coming back : e. g. If inconsistent or caregiver didn"t come, i guess i suck, i must not be worthy of being helped by people [infants have no cognitive capacity to perceive it as due to situational circumstances]