PSY424H1 Lecture : Lecture 3

104 views5 pages
15 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Self-expansion = overlap between you and your partner: growth through absorbing aspects of others. You that you"ve never recognized before: unlike most contexts, people feel good after upward comparison with partners because you think your partner is part of yourself. Self-expansion and infidelity: situational forces fuelling expansion weaken, alternative relationships as a source of expansion. Self-disclosure: the process of sharing your privacy with other people: strong reciprocity norms, on the surface level: width increases more quickly than depth, may reveal less about you than you think. we feel we hold our values especially intensely but others don"t see it that way (not necessarily give much info or hard to convey the depth of values) positive illusion about ourselves: although not trying to deceive others yet they don"t think so. Self-monitoring and romantic relationships: attraction, high: look for partner"s physical attractiveness, sex appeal, social status, financial resources, low: look for personality, similarity, honesty, responsibility, kindness.

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