RLG100Y1 Lecture 15: world religion Lecture-15 doc
Document Summary
Islam: second biggest religion in the world in terms of population, consists of 1. 6 billion people, hugely diverse religion, as they come from all parts of the world, most muslims are located in indonesia, followed by pakistan, In islam, there is one story about abraham and his lineage, and we have the story about prophet muhammad. They wander through the desert and disappear from the biblical narrative. In the quran narrative, abraham accompanies haggar and. Ismail, into present day saudi arabia, and returns to his home: he visits them regularly, the pilgrimage of the haj is structured around the experience of abraham and ismail. The word islam means surrender or submission to the will of. Moses questioned muhammad about the outcome of the discussion: after initially agreeing on 100 times, moses sent him back to renegotiate, and they eventually settled on 5 times to pray to.