RLG100Y1 Lecture : Lecture Notes on Buddhism-February 7th

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5 Aug 2010
February 7
- the movement of Buddhism into Northern Asia ± China
- China already had a highly developed civilization
- 7th-11th CE ± Buddhism was extremely popular
o Buddhist monasteries flourished
- difference in language = problem with conversion
- Chinese - practice = collection of texts ± move from monastery to monastery and
gather texts
o learn Indian language ± hire Chinese scholars Æ uneven Buddhist text
o give priority to some text over others Æ how to determine?
Identify one particular teaching (sutra) as the primary one and then
look at all other texts as being supportive of that one
- development of Chinese school based on different teachings they identify ± hold
different Sutras that claim to be the most important/primary teaching ± different
- China started to accept Buddhism through this scholastic approach ± schools
- 2 kinds of schools developed
o 1. very scholastic ± teachings
o 2. develops the experiential side of Buddhism
2 broad types of experience ± comes form the perception that we
are in the declining phase of the cycle ± ZH¶UHLQDGHJHQHUDWH
phase of the cycle ± our understanding is taken away; mentality is
challenged; therefore, in need of revitalizing that understanding
1. µ3XUHODQG - other help: argue that things are so bad that ZHFDW
help ourselves ± we need someone outside to guide us ±
µBoddhisatvas¶3XUHODQG± one of the different realms of different
2. µ&KDQ - self help: we need to help ourselves ± only achieve
enlightenment through ones own excursions
IN Japan:
1. Pureland = Jodo
2. Chan = Zen
- Buddhism developed in China then moved to Korea ± the friendliness between
Korean and Japanese king led to a shipment of Chinese scripture, monks,
languages, culture etc. to Japan in the year 538 CE
- 6th Century CE ± much less evolved than China ± therefore very happy to receive
the gifts (scripts/monks/etc.) Æ greatly appreciated/embraced by Prince
- adopt Chinese ways of administration (Confucianism)
- find salutary for then to unite
- before Buddhism the prominent religion = Shinto
- Pureland and Chan developed in the Kamakura period (12th-14th century CE)
o Pretty much the same between the Japanese and Chinese
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Document Summary

Buddhism the movement of buddhism into northern asia china. China already had a highly developed civilization. 7th-11th ce buddhism was extremely popular: buddhist monasteries flourished. Difference in language = problem with conversion. Chinese - practice = collection of texts move from monastery to monastery and. Identify one particular teaching (sutra) as the primary one and then look at all other texts as being supportive of that one. Development of chinese school based on different teachings they identify hold different sutras that claim to be the most important/primary teaching different philosophies. China started to accept buddhism through this scholastic approach schools. 2 kinds of schools developed: 1. very scholastic teachings, 2. develops the experiential side of buddhism. :70,3/ - other help: argue that things are so bad that 0. ,39 help ourselves we need someone outside to guide us . :70,3/ one of the different realms of different.

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