RLG100Y1 Lecture : Lecture on Buddhism-Jan 29

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5 Aug 2010
January 29th
- hagiography
- diagnose the problem that people experience (similar to a physician)
- Buddhist early teachings; 2 kinds
o 1. µ&RQGLWLRQHG¶([LVWHQFH ± life as we ordinarily live it ±
characterized by 3 qualities (doctrines):
1. Anitya ± the doctrine of impermanence; all thing change, in
constant process, never comes a time in which things ever settle
down ± no equilibrium ± change is incontrovertible/inexorable
2. Duhkha ± suffering ± the idea that the impermanence nature of life
results in frustration, anxiety, suffering
3. Anatman ± ³QR-VHOI´RUQRVRXO± nothing (no aspect of self) is
immune to change (*unlike any other Indic tradition) ± all things in
the universe are a composite of a sum of their parts and all parts
are subject to change
5 components of analyzing person: (according to early Buddhism
1) form ± female/male (physical)
2) feelings (mentally and physically)
3) interpretation of feelings
4) form resolutions ± determinations/decisions (actions)
- if you view others as being composed of the same thing with only
slight differences then you will have more empathy and kindness
towards others
- interpretation
Doctrine of Dependent Origination:
- things happen in a certain way becomes conditions for things to happen in that
way exists and conditions for things NOT to happen that way does not exist
- this is how we explain continuity
- genes is karma
5) Shaping of mind set for who one becomes
o 2. Unconditioned Existence ± the equivalent of moksha
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Document Summary

Diagnose the problem that people experience (similar to a physician) Buddhist early teachings; 2 kinds: 1. 43/9430/8903. 0 life as we ordinarily live it characterized by 3 qualities (doctrines): anitya the doctrine of impermanence; all thing change, in. 5 components of analyzing person: (according to early buddhism teachings) If you view others as being composed of the same thing with only slight differences then you will have more empathy and kindness towards others. Doctrine of dependent origination: things happen in a certain way becomes conditions for things to happen in that way exists and conditions for things not to happen that way does not exist this is how we explain continuity. Genes is karma: shaping of mind set for who one becomes, 2.

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