RLG100Y1 Lecture : Lecture on Buddhism-Jan 31

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5 Aug 2010
January 31
³FRQGLWLRQHG´± Anitya ± impermanence
Duhkha ± anxiety, suffering
Anatman ± ³QR-VHOI´
- Buddhist community ± in the early days, to join the Buddhist tradition;
o Take 3 refuges:
1. I take refuge in the Buddha
2. I take refuge in the Dharma
3. I take refuge in the Sangha ± community of Buddhists, monks and
- monks and nuns (entire community) assembled and affirmed the basic teachings ±
- the most reliable way to achieve continuity was for all the monks and nuns to
come together and compile a list of all the things they did (rules, Buddha
teachings, practices etc.)
%XGGKD¶VUXOHVWHDFKLQJVÆ large body of work/scripture
- lead to future councils to resolve problems
e.g. younger monks accepted money ± wrong (councils held)
- one council was particularly momentous ± the conclusion of it = Buddhism
experienced its first separation
o status of the Enlightened Person ± ³ARHANT´ - how does the
enlightenment of the arhant differ from the enlightenment of the Buddha?
o Can the arhant make mistakes according to the doctrine?
o Do arhants still have doubts?
o Can arhants succumb to temptation?
Raised by one particular monk
x Disagreements led to separation of community
x Later on, divided into even more groups
- Groups are classified into two major communities/sects
o 1. Theravada ± Arhants are perfect ± South and South East Asia
Thailand ± 16 century
Specific platform of belief
I. Believes the Arhants have the same amount of enlightenment as
II. Visualized/interprets the Buddha as a regular human being
III. To achieve the highest goals of the tradition, must live a
monastic life ± purist form of life
IV. Own forms of meditation
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Document Summary

://,87:0890,. 38 large body of work/scripture lead to future councils to resolve problems e. g. younger monks accepted money wrong (councils held) N later on, divided into even more groups. Groups are classified into two major communities/sects: 1. Theravada arhants are perfect south and south east asia. Believes the arhants have the same amount of enlightenment as. Visualized/interprets the buddha as a regular human being. To achieve the highest goals of the tradition, must live a monastic life purist form of life. Mahayana 9070,907;0. 0 numerically the larger group, significantly different geology northern parts of asia. N huge impact on how the mahayana view scripture. ,3989459070 -0. ,:8090://,870,98 anticipates that the new generation will not understand the same materials as the present generation therefore, the canon is never closed. N result of his perception that different groups require different kinds/methods of teaching.

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