RLG100Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Para Brahman, Upanishads, Ath

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11 Mar 2016

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Upanishads recap: atman (self), brahman (relationship between self and world); suggests there is no difference, what we don"t know is due to our limited reality. Moving towards the answer to why are we suffering", like buddhism and jainism. Hinduism considers buddhism and jainism extreme in their way of moving towards moksha. Is living without violence completely desirable: how would we discipline tyrants, murderers. There needs to be nuanced conversation cant just be like go to the forest and meditate on life". Believe in two orientations in the world: nivrtti: people who are interested in moksha, world renunciation. Close to buddhism and jainism, looking for moksha, asking existential questions. There are three types of people, or three ways of achieving moksha. We act whimsically based on desire, will, whim; inevitable end is anxiety and distress and we are always changing and the world is always changing a. Ultimate reality has different qualities, things are characterized by different qualities (god, humans, beings)

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