RSM100Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Canadian Cancer Society, Cause Marketing, Customer Relationship Management

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31 Mar 2016

Document Summary

To succeed, every organizaion must serve the customer needs-from proit based companies like macdonald"s to non-for-proits like the canadian cancer society. Markeing is an organizaional funcion and set of processes for creaing, communicaing and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relaionships in ways that beneit the organizaion and its stakeholders. Markeing techniques don"t just sell goods and services, they also help people support ideas or viewpoints and educate others. The best marketers not only see what the consumer"s needs are but anicipate their future needs before the consumer"s see for themselves. Ideally, marketers can get ahead of the compeiion by helping consumers create a link between their new needs and the fulillment of that need by the marketer"s product. Markeing is a process that begins with discovering unmet consumer needs: then coninues by researching the potenial market; producing a good or service that can saisfy the targeted customers, then promoion, pricing and distribuing the good or service.

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