ENV221H1 Lecture Notes - Worldwatch Institute, Deeper Understanding, Environmental Governance

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Cunningham, william p. , mary ann cunningham and barbara saigo (2005). Population as a cause: the problem rate of acceleration of total global population; reader 71-72 few million. In worldwatch institute, state of the world 2001. 2 global north decline; older populations - europe, north america, japan. Russia extreme rate of decline global biodiversity is concentrated in the south, near the equator, and so exposed to. 4. 1 legal limits family size; encourage sterilization; provide contraceptives. 4. 2 enhance power of women, social justice in general, eg state-supplied old age security to remove reliance on children. Some countries, such as china and india have policy to limit population; however, at the global level, it not a subject of policy action in the way environmental problems like biodiversity loss and climate change are. 3: differing views of population growth (from reader) 5. 1 an important problem because of the environmental impact, food supply implications.

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