SOC201H1 Lecture Notes - Georg Simmel, Kai T. Erikson, Buffalo Creek Flood
Document Summary
Soc201h1- classical sociological theory i: community and religion. Emile durkheim (french) 1858-1917 (georg simmel (german) 1858-1918) *optional* Journal: the journal of classical theories (online u of t) Everything in its path: destruction of community in the buffalo creek flood. By kai t. erikson: the buffalo creek disaster, kai erikson"s involvement, community= having neighbours , loss of community: (symptoms) Insecurity-fear: the buffalo creek disaster as a metaphor for modern society. Buffalo mining company used lots of water to mine coal. Buffalo creek was on the downside of the dam when dam collapsed, thus, buffalo creek disaster. 4000 to 5000 left homeless, and they hired kai erikson (lawyer) to sue the mining company for their loss/damages. > relationship, kin, someone you can lean on. Tocqueville- what happens to community with the transition from traditional into modernity. 5: how do voluntary associations, groups of citizens that form a fire brigade, charitable work, etc. get people to work collectively: tocqueville"s historical perspective.