SOC201H1 Lecture Notes - Commodification, Barter, Individualism
Document Summary
He could study equality in its purest form. U. s. didn"t have the feudal system and its past origins of aristocracy, peasantry, etc. African american slavery, oppression of the natives. Escaped later and went north to become leader of anti-slavery movement. Started and bought newspaper company in new york. Published a text provides a psychological portrait of the african american slave. Tocqueville is no fan of equality, he sees equality as a reality of which you have to come to terms with. What he does value is liberty (also a big fan of voluntary associations) Voluntary associations can serve as a counter-weight to a state that is too strong. He"s once again drawing on his historical aristocrat background and before the french revolution. Through voluntary association, citizens are able to come together to pursue their interests. Art of association a principle study that he made. First reason to admire voluntary associations: they are the in-betweeners between the state and common people.