SOC201H1 Lecture Notes - Social Class, Altruistic Suicide, American Broadcasting Company
Document Summary
True or false: according to durkheim, suicide is normal. (p. 363, an increasing rate of suicide is the inevitable price of progress. (p. 368, moral penalties- such as refusing a regular burial to people who commit suicide would. In modern society, the altruistic form of suicide is disappearing. (p. 373: as a new barrier against suicide, durkheim proposes the corporation. (p. 378) Engaging the reading: adding quotes and references in the reading themselves in the position paper. Topics-> economics (a), political science (b), geography (c), international trade (d: dimension of analysis, canada"s abcd, usa abcd, conclusion. Better way of comparing: a-> canada usa, b-> canada usa, c-> canada usa, d-> canada usa, conclusion. Individual alienation denotes estrangement from the self in its creative potentialities. The two are not necessarily linked: individual creativity can co-exist with social alienation (example: cultural production in big cities as new york, london, los angeles).