SOC202H1 Lecture Notes - Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Sampling Distribution, Null Hypothesis

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15 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Bivariate relationships: t-test for comparing the means of two groups. Prediction provides the connection between statistical analysis and probability theory. In studying psychological depression, if we can determine what triggers depression, we can identify. Pops. at risk and institute preventative measures example being research shows people who experience multiple life crises are at greater risk of developing severe depression. Bivariate (2-variable) analysis involves searching for statistical relationships between 2 variables. A statistical relationship between 2 variables asserts that the measurements of one variable tend to consistently fluctuate with the measurements of the other, making one variable a good predictor of the other . 3 common approaches to measuring statistical relationships: difference of means testing comparing means of an interval/ratio variable among the categories or groups of nominal/ordinal variable. 2)counting the frequencies of joint occurrences of attributes of two nominal variables: measuring the correlation between 2 interval/ratio variables. Use this approach when hypothesizing between dependant intervals/ratios and independent dichotomous nominal/ordinal variables.

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