SOC101Y1 Lecture Notes - Symbolic Interactionism, Theory-Theory, Social Inequality

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Can help us figure out where you fit into society and how you can make society fit you. Babbie: sociology is the study of our rules for living together, what they are, how they arise, and how they change. Recursive quality to human life that makes anything we know tentative. Tradition and authority provide us with starting points, but should not be the end. Science if about meticulously controlling for these errors and go beyond tradition and authority. In the first place sociology, unlike common sense, makes an effort to subordinate itself to the rigorous rules of responsible speech. Second, there us the size of the field from which the material for sociological thinking is drawn. Third, sociology and common sense differ in the way that each makes sense of human reality in terms of how they understand and explain events and circumstances. (intentions us vs not)

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