SOC101Y1 Lecture : lecture

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15 Dec 2010

Document Summary

19th century hayday new idea social evolutionism, view human species evolved socially lower stages to high stages, should be critical of this. Founder of socialism, fought in american revoilution, buid canal, socialism among those who introduced it, before was uterlitarian main philosophy of the time back to adam smith, to economist to ricardo and malthus, Adma smith began to recognized after wealth of nations describing early capitalism he believed as followers did self equilibriating system and gov nothing to do with it regulates itself, metaphor, invisible hand. If everyone pursues own intrest good of greatest number, benson, they saw competiton, all things equal go to same good lowest price, b cost is lower due to power, power driven by fuel, this was the dominate view, www. notesolution. com. Susmonde published essay political econmomy not t rue, commercial price poor get poorer, continue relevance of these criticism, Saint simon accept uterlatrian till read susmonde book, early stages small business no large cprporations,

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