SOC101Y1 Lecture : Lecture 4

120 views3 pages
11 Jan 2011

Document Summary

Sociobiology: evolutionary psychologists, also known as sociobiologists, claim that our genes determine whether we are law-abiding, whether we are unfaithful to our partners etc, darwin"s evolutionary theory states that. 1- the characteristics of members of each species vary widely. 2- species members with more adaptive characteristics are more likely to survive until reproduction. Sociobiologists often attempt to use darwinian theory to prove statements like the following example: 1- men are more likely than women to want many sexual partners. 2- this accounts for male promiscuity and female fidelity. They explain this by stating the fact that men can often ejaculate sperm their whole lives, while women have eggs only from puberty to menopause. According to many sociobiologists, this means that a woman improves her chances of reproducing her www. notesolution. com genes if she has one partner who will protect her the few times she gets pregnant.

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