SOC101Y1 Lecture : Work and Families
Document Summary
For exam: different modes of work & family connection (different models, know basic arguments of hoschild (new models and old models) Men and women"s changing participation of paid work: the main increase in women"s employment and self-employment has been among married women. Since the 1960s, the employment rates for men and women converged in oecd countries. Conflicting role expectations: especially for women, if they stay at home, they are seen as failing to live up to their potentials, the expectations of employers and fellow employees may be anti-family and regard long hours and. If they work outside, however, they are criticized for neglecting their children job transfer as natural without thinking about. Conflicts between work and family at two levels: role spillover or role interference. Never enough time and energy to accomplish all they wish to in either family or work roles, either in daily basis or in terms of general goals.