SOC101Y1 Lecture : Social Interaction

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9 Feb 2011

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Influenced by emotional state, e. g. e=act different depending if something"s funny, disgusting. Infant mortality rate fell and emotional investment in children increased, 19th century where women began having fewer children www. notesolution. com. September 29th, 2010: 16th century experienced shorter period mourning over child, due to less mortality rate. How to calculate rate: n = number of people in a population at a given time, m = number of marriages in population over a given period, the marriage rate = (n/m) * 1,000. Where do norms and value come from: from culture, from creative negotiation. We manipulate the impressions we make on others. We communicate verbally and nonverbally: medical students reduce distant between themselves and role of doctor by learning medical jargon. September 29th, 2010: people manipulate the ones around us (1:17:30, stereotypes are rigid views of how members of specific social category act, regardless if they actually do or not, operating with stereotypes impairs social interaction.

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