SOC101Y1 Lecture : The Mass Media
Document Summary
The mass media refer to print, radio, television, and other communication technologies. Mass implies that the media reach many people. Media signifies that communication does not take place directly through face-to-face interaction. Instead, technology intervenes or mediates in transmitting messages from senders to receivers. Furthermore, communication via the mass media is usually one way, or at least one-sided. There are few senders (or producers) and many receivers (or audience members). Why the mass media grew: the protestant reformation promoted literacy. Bible first mass media product in the west: democratic movements promoted mass involvement. Citizens should be allowed to cote (representative government) Governments also encouraged literacy & education because lead to more. People wanted to become literate responsible voting: capitalist industrialization promoted the search for profit. Possible to earn a lot of money by being producer of mass media. Theories of media effects: functionalist (coordination, socialization, social control, entertainment) As societies grow, they become more and more complex, more institutions.