SOC101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Married People, Nuclear Family, Household Division
Document Summary
Family is not an easy concept to deine. Families as relationships in which people live together with commitment, form an economic unit and care for any young, and consider their identity to be signiicantly attached to the group. Providing afection and companionship to family members. Historically family is equated solely with nuclear family, which is one or two parents and their dependent children, all of which live apart from other relatives. Traditional nuclear family family in which wife works without pay in home, while husband works outside home for money (making him primary provider) Has been decrease in traditional nuclear families since 1940s and increasing prevalence of new family forms. Sociologists describe families as socially constructed to convey the idea that families are neither static, universal, nor biologically determined: support for institution of marriage and traditional gender roles begins to erode because of inluence of. Increasing secularism: women"s movement, expansion of postsecondary institutions and service sector employment.