SOC101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Groupthink, Milgram Experiment, Ingroups And Outgroups

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Check class announcements on course website for test format (updated) and locations. Bring non-programmable calculator and english-foreign language dictionary. Review last year"s test #1 in tests and exam section of course website. Responsible for all material covered in readings, lectures, handouts, movies, and tutorials. Test covers rote knowledge of the material and ability to apply it to novel problems and scenarios. Few if any questions on names and percentages; many questions on trends, ideas and interpretations. Believed jews, gypsies, etc threatened their existence. They were able to perform atrocities because they were ordinarily people in the way that they wanted to sustain friendship ties and serve the group. Few whistle blowers (people who report bad things their companies do) because they don"t want to let down their coworkers. No correlation in their act of wanting to save jews and their level of education, how religious they were, or their political view.

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