SOC101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Field Experiment, Measuring Instrument, Natural Experiment

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Methods will shape what is seen and what is not. What is reality: figure out what matters to you. Scientists will choose topics that interest them may be affected by cultural background. Science of practice is affected by culture: before, research was mostly done on men, formulate a testable theory (a tentative explanation of a phenomenon) Our culture causes us to create a tentative theory. Already have a pet theory/explanation (preconceived ideas)- from culture another lens for which scientist is seeing data will be keen to find what he already knows biases towards confirmed pet theory: review existing literature. Look into scientific research and see what others already found. Become aware of what we already know and fill in gap in what is missing. Powerful effect on what he/she think what he should find another kind of lens. Nearly impossible to investigate ideas without already having preconceived ideas: select method(s)

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