SOC101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Class Consciousness, Social Stratification

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*dyad: is a group consisting of two interacting people (only two people group. ) Among the dyad, there is pattern in gender: Women laugh more than men in daily conversation. *status: is a recognized position in a social interaction: (=-different levels of social positions in social interaction. We can see pattern of hierarchy by looking at examples of amounts of laughing during social interaction: Laugh indicates not spontaneous, but sign of dominant. Make person who make jokes feels superior and exclude outsider. Is layering of unequal categories of people in society. High socio economic people tend to do very well to high socio economic but not with lower status people. People who are not wealthy generally sympathetic, listen to others well. Thus, depend on social status, interaction attitudes are different. Some jobs are more important, and those jobs require more training and sacrifice.

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