SOC102H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Feral Child, Isabel Aboy, Sociobiology
Document Summary
Children who grow up alone in the wilderness or are raised by wild animals. A boy living in wild place; walked on all fours, had no languages; Brought to paris and trained him to interact with others--but failed at last. This evidence shows that social interaction and intimate relations are important to development of human being: socialization. 1) definition of socialization: socialization is the process of learning culture and becoming aware of yourself as you interact with others. Further description: a) to learn the way of life in our society and develop an identity, we undergo a process if social interaction known as socialization. Socialization is the vital link between individuals and society. b) socialization thus makes social interaction, social organization, and social order possible. A) primary socialization: it is the crucial learning process that occurs in childhood and initiates our entry into society. B) secondary socialization: it occurs after people have already undergone primary socialization.