SOC102H1 Lecture Notes - Occupational Segregation, Glass Ceiling, Human Capital

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27 Nov 2013

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Lecture 7 gender inequality: economic and political aspects: gender inequality in labor market. Inequalities in the labor market can take a number of forms: disparities in wages by sex: Cross occupation: female-dominant occupation less than male-dominant occupation: vertical occupational segregation: A. vertical segregation refers to the clustering( ) of men and women in different levels of jobs. B. hierarchical difference of female and male within occupation or cross occupation; C. for example, this might mean in an organization more men than women working as senior managers and more women than men working in administrative grades. (male occupies relatively higher position than female does. ) D. glass ceiling: the glass ceiling is the unseen, yet unbreakable barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements: horizontal occupational segregation: A. horizontal segregation refers to the numbers of men and women in different types of jobs.

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