SOC102H1 Lecture Notes - Orthodox Judaism, Male Companion, Tokenism
Document Summary
Majority of people back then didn"t discuss gender inequality. Today, more identification because more women are in the field. People now have a new angle on viewing society. This is an example of how society is a reflection of whom knowledge was passed from. More gender topics = more aware next generation of gender issues. Most people associate with people who are of similar (not necessarily identical) status. However people tend to marry someone who is different in terms of sex. Often marry someone we didn"t know personally (attracted by unfamiliarity) Men vs women though the traditional norm has changed. Evident in canada as this was not the case in the past. Tend to be more ahead in equality transition. What effect does this conjunction of inequality and desire have on: Sex is the biological characteristics that makes one male or female. Gender refers to the expectations of behaviour and appearance.