SOC102H1 Lecture Notes - Grou, Law And Justice, Northern Ontario

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29 Jan 2014

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Conclusion based on survey data from 14 countries. They all want: satisfaction of basic material needs, physical and psychological security, order and certainty in lives, opportunity to enlarge their range of satisfaction, freedom to make and exercise choices. May not like end result but ability to choose more important: chances to experience own identity/integrity, opportunities to feel worthwhile, a system of beliefs/values to which they are committed, confidence their society will further these goals. Despite universal similarities, people continue to celebrate superficial differences. Both race and ethnicity are performances, not qualities. Race: physical or genetic differences that produce different appearance. Ethnicity: social and cultural characteristics shared by people. Ethnic group: consider themselves or by others that they share common characteristics that distinguishes them from other groups. More cultural and social base i. e. base on history and descendent origins. Race: seen by most as physiological characteristics due to genetics.

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