SOC102H1 Lecture Notes - Edward Said, Paris Hilton, Children'S Book Council Of Australia
Document Summary
It is impossible to determine who will win in life. The vast majority are not going to get what they want. The structure of social competition little number of winner, many losers heavy odds against most people there is not a level field. People who start life powerful, rich and famous will end their life powerful, rich and famous: people on the other end of distribution also cannot get out of their situation the lower 5- 10% cannot get out of their situation: among the middle 80% there is a lot of social mobility. Social inequality is dangerous to society and to individual"s health. Explaining how the social game" works and the reasons why most people face heavy odds. Social inequality crime, sickness, addiction, violence, and sometime even war for society as a whole. Inequality the equality of being unequal or uneven.