SOC103H1 Lecture : The Environment
Document Summary
Nuclear bombs over japan (hiroshima), 200,000 killed. After hiroshima people began to question advances in technology. Oppehheimer created nuclear bomb - even he feared its power. Disasters due to technology made people fear the power of tech. Computer freezes, etc risk society - society in which tech distributes danger and advantage among all social groups. some categories more exposed than others (ulrich beck) Global warming, greehouse effect, endangered species new environment created need for new fuels - gasoline, natural gases. Burning them releases carbon dioxide - allows heat to be trapped in atmosphere. Concentration of co2 in air very related to temperature of earth. Temp increased sharply in past 20-30 years due to industrialization. Warmer temps leads to more water evaporation, harsher storms, more flooding, more erosion. Oceans r ise due to warmer water expanding and polar caps melting. Small r ise in oceans would result in . 5% of us and 12% of egypt to flood www. notesolution. com.