SOC103H1 Lecture Notes - Travesti, Transfeminine, Transmasculine
Document Summary
Because humans are not hardwired, we used culture or symbolic systems as a way of making sense of guiding ourselves through the world. Anyone that deviates from the binary gender system must be sick, mental, deviant (depending on socializing agend) Berdache or two spirit: native american, third gender, born a man, dress as a woman and perform womanly tasks, they were part female, part male, culture made room for a third gender. Travesti have sex with males: indian gender, born male, stronger identification as male. Is there only male and female: a fact of nature, human beings seem in a wider variety of sex and gender that our society allows us. Doing gender: gender is not a set of traits that reside within individuals, but, gender is omnirelevant because you cannot avoid having something individuals do in their interactions. your gender assessed by others throughout interaction.