SOC200H1 Lecture : lecture
Document Summary
Experiments are done in social psychology subfield of soc and psych different but related. Why first thing, really important bc bold standard for showing causality, Research are explanatory , exp we talk about sub, treatment what applied to subject. Group 1 or more groups treatment applied and control group assigned randomly. Elegible sec 8, sub housing in us, took list applied divided random 3 group 1 sec 8 voucher, another moving to opp less than 10 poverty, sec 8 evrywhere, control nothing. Apply treatment what happens how outcomes differ treatment exp group and treatment group. Show cor, behavior improved, not in ones no voucher. Time order, pretest, postets, before and after treatment. Cause boy beh improve and move to better nigh, in this case home was random. Groups differ even randomly, could be same, fluke, stat calc prop of fluke, 2 guards random and possib existed and ass random better stat to non random.