SOC200H1 Lecture Notes - Law School Admission Test, Job Satisfaction, Face Validity
Document Summary
Chapter 1 to chapter 5 (pages 35-43 in chap 2 are not included in the test; look at new book**) True and false if false, give correct statement. Why do we need common definition of a concept: discussion is possible, knowledge can be accumulated. Indicator: sign of the presence or absence of the concept, i. e. when we think about how many people passed a test, we look at how many people scored above 50. Range of variation (i. e. when studying property value in toronto, using proper ranges is critical. Dimension depends on how you capture the concept. Precision talking about an issue in a specific context so that it is interpreted properly. Reliability being able to obtain the same results when applying the same measurements; ensuring measurements are reliable: test-retested, split-half, using established measure using measures that have been created by established groups.