SOC250Y1 Lecture 11: Lecture 11 notes

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Church an organization where charismatic sanctity is objectified not in the individual members, but in the institution itself. The making of orthodoxy (ie what is the true message, the true teachings, the requirements etc?) so a protracted struggle over: Successful sects thus move in the direction of becoming churches. this sets the stage for a new upsurge of sect formation. Weber sees a general cyclical pattern, passing from tradition to charismatic upsurge of rigor, enthusiasm, zeal, which eventually leads to a new tradition, opening space for new charisma Christianity: (1) originates as a sectarian reform movement within judaism (2) develops into a new conversionist salvationist cult religion (3) eventually achieving imperial church status. Source problems: no contemporary accounts of h;s ministry or career nt texts are ex post facto. Faith-based accounts, not history; nt writings fulfill the prophecies of the hebrew scriptures, ~imitative modelling www. notesolution. com.

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