SOC250Y1 Lecture 16: Lecture 16 February 9
Document Summary
Notes on the social genesis of hell and heaven. The appeals of heaven pie in the sky, when you die? . Feuerbach: heaven is the key to the deepest mysteries of religion . Marxist critiques: promise of heaven in the sky sanctions hell (exploitation oppression) on the earth the control theory (kritias) To offer consolation for suffering with the promise of amends or justice in the life to come. Afterlife beliefs are regulative for worldly existence; endure poverty, oppression, injustice, inequality, persecution, ascetic renunciation . Earth is a different place when it lies between a heaven and a hell . Chinese proverb: heaven and hell are within the heart . Jesus the kingdom of god is within you . Afterlife beliefs make sure beliefs and rewards go as they should. Major difference between popular views theological philosophical. Promise= people more likely to endure worldly negatives. Afterlife belief promise justice will be done, the wicked will suffer.