SOC309Y1 Lecture Notes - Universal Precautions, Window Period, Safe Sex
Document Summary
09/21/2012 (hiv) human immunodeficiency virus affecting the white blood cell count ( lowers it ) Hiv is a virus that attacks the immune system. It infects white blood cells (also called cd4, host cell, t4 helper cell, t cell( and makes copies of itself. These cells usually help to protect us from diseases & infections. Once a person is infected, the virus will always be in their system. Medications help to keep the number of the copies low, and keep the body strong. Initial infection (primary), when a person is first infected with hiv: Virus multiples rapidly, may or may not know hiv status, higher possibility of transmission to others. Many people will not experience any symptoms. Approximately 4 weeks after becoming infected a person may feel ill with flu-like symptoms called seroconversion illness . After a couple of months, person may not see any symptoms, may even feel well for years.