SOC336H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Jason Kenny, La Dehesa, European Migrant Crisis
Document Summary
Outline: immigration policy of receiving states (massey 1999) Talks about the state policies influence or create certain trends in migration. There is a lot of overlap between outcomes and causes of migration: the social dynamics of the migratory process (castles 2004) Nobody is illegal; drop the i-word campaign; california dream act. Toronto declared sanctuary city : policy of sending states: the impact of transnantionalism on the migratory process (levitt & de la dehesa 2003) Transnational ties help newcomers integrate them into their host country: towards fairer and more effective immigration policies (castles 2004) Process of racialization the process by which certain categories based on phenotype or physical appearance are made salient. And how resources are distributed based on these categories. Going to focus on the outcomes of migration as opposed to causes of migration because grassroots organizations are more likely than governments to focus on the reality of the situation.