SOC336H1 Lecture : Discrimination & Disadvantage
Document Summary
Earning deficits not all immigrant skills are used and they are being undervalued; it was not seen initially as a big problem since workers were working their way up. Underutilization of immigrant skills: any employment of immigrants in work below a level of skill at which they could function as effectively as native-born canadians, one form of employment discrimination". 1996 census data: annual earning deficit = . 4 billion. Skills held by the immigrant are equal (or greater) to canadian standards www. notesolution. com: not using all of the skills. Brain waste" vs. brain gain" vs. brain drain". Immigrants receive smaller earnings premium for formal education. Immigrants receive smaller earnings premium for work experience. Focused on education, experience and origins of immigrants. Finding #1 - immigrants receive lower earnings premiums for education. Three areas of difference: difference in skill quality, underutilization of immigrant skills in gaining access to occupations demanding greater skill. Immigrant men = 15% less for each year of education.