SOC336H1 Lecture : Gender and Racism
Document Summary
Women and men have different migration experiences because there is gendered access to resources. Gender as a social construction that emerges through practice. Both men and women act according to how they find work or what they do (men as breadwinners and women as housewives) Enticed to work in industry, often possess motor skills associated with the assembly line. More assistance with household tasks (overworking caregivers without extra pay) Within the francophone community; explores how these resources are accessible depending on how these three intersect (madibbo) Policies that allocate resources (money and services) to both. Can reproduce power relations (even amongst francophones, there exists a racial hierarchy black/white) To be an integral part of the community and full citizens. To obtain an equitable share of power i. e. see slides** To explore the interconnected-ness between the multiple systems of oppression-racism. Francophones are not a homogeneous group; black female francophones are a minority within a minority within a minority.