SOC336H1 Lecture : Race and Crime

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16 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Black people are highly over-represented in certain offence categories. Four different explanatory frameworks to try to understand this racial breakdown of arrests. More police surveillance = more likely to be caught than others who engage in same forms of criminal activity. Police more likely to use force against minorities. Racial bias in granting bail and conditions of release. Racial bias may also exist in prison: minority inmates over-represented among prisoners charged with misconduct. Assumes that some migrants arrive with the explicit objective to participate in criminal activity. Absolves canadian society of any responsibility since. Maintaining certain practices can conflict with canadian law. May be seen as criminal in canada. Legal education: about canadian law before arrival, about potential conflicts with the law. It is the experiences within canadian society that are the primary causes of crimes (marginalization) Based on the idea that cultural difference leads to social breakdown. Cuilture (i. e. traditions, language etc) + familiarity = security".

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