SMC228H1 Lecture Notes - Machine Press, Movable Type, Typesetting

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4 short answer essay questions (15 points for question = 60 pts) You"ll be choosing from a list of 6 potential questions. Questions focus on processes we have been discussing in class and general concepts. Ex. , short answer question: describe the process of printing a sheet of text on a common press. You should use accurate terminology when discussing the key steps and the parts of the press itself. Characterized by the use of the common press which was made of wood. All of the moveable type was set by hand. Each individual letter you see from the printed book of a hand press period is done by some person setting it individually. 1800 is usually chosen as the date b/c has more to do with changes in paper production than what is has to do with initial changes of type setting. Characterized by innovations in the production of paper, typesetting, and the movement from wood to steel presses.

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